The Road Ahead, February 24th, 2025 Edition
10 days ago
– Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 11:33:38 AM
Hello everyone, we hope your week is going well! We have some great news! The US shipment and the UK shipment have both arrived at their respective warehouses. This means that fulfillment will begin this week for US and UK orders once everything is checked in. We are still waiting for the EU shipment to arrive at its destination, which should be happening shortly.

There's nothing quite like unloading and stacking 24000 pounds (10886 kilos) of boxes, let me tell you. It took us 12.5 hours to get everything for the US order to where it needs to be and to make sure that all of the product is in great shape (pics of the box contents below).
Meanwhile, all of the final shipping boxes that these US orders will be packed in have arrived and are being prepared (everything gets hand stamped so you know it came from Space Penguin Ink for US orders). We are projecting fulfillment to last until the middle or end of May (faster as time permits), as we move at a steady pace and don't rush things. We know that a lot of you will be chomping at the bit to get your boxes but rest assured we will be working on these steadily every day until fulfillment is completed. We're a team of two people (jert and debbie) and we want to make sure that you all are receiving your order packed safely and snugly.
Okay, here are pics of all of the items in the Boxed Set, because we know some of you have been waiting on seeing the final pieces. We're super proud to have brought this to life with your help, so thank you!

Gary Con
In other news, please come say hello at Gary Con this year! Jarrett and Yochai will be wandering around, playing games and talking shop. You might even spy Brad Kerr (whose adventure "Bloodmarm Barrow" was included in the anthology) there as well!
Yochai & Brad will also be participating in a round table discussion about the "State of the OSR", hosted by Luke "Pirate Borg" Stratton! Kelsey Dionne and Matt Finch will be there as well, so please come by!
Okay, that's all for now, we are super excited to get into the next phase of the project so hang with us and know that we are fulfilling as fast as we can.