
Cairn 2e Boxed Set

Created by Space Penguin Ink, LLC

Explore a dark and mysterious wood filled with strange folk, hidden treasure, and unspeakable monstrosities in this ttrpg boxed set.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fourth stretch goal achieved, and more on the way!
6 months ago – Mon, Apr 01, 2024 at 12:22:07 PM

Hello everyone, we hope you had a great weekend. Thank you for your continued support and for helping us achieve our fourth stretch goal, a brand new adventure module by the great Brad Kerr! Brad has written several best-selling adventure for Cairn, including Demon Driven to the Maw, Hideous Daylight, and Fabien's Atelier. He is putting the final touches on the module as you read this and it will be getting edited and into layout shortly. We're excited to be able to offer more adventures for this amazing system. 

Our next stretch goal is for a third copy of the Player's Guide to be included in the Boxed Set tier. This one is near and dear to our hearts here at SPI, as we have many years' experience running games for new groups, and what better way to get new players to keep coming back but than to give them their very own copy of the material they need to create and run their characters? The Boxed Set is shaping up to be nice and value-packed, and we once again thank you for your interest in our campaign.

We're also super stoked to now be a Kickstarter Project We Love! Thanks!

Third stretch goal down, $100k, and 2000+ backers! THANK YOU!
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 10:47:45 AM

Hello everyone, and a hearty and massive thank you from the entire team! The support of over 2000 of you has helped us raise over $100,000 (as of this writing). We are super thankful to each and every one of you, and we appreciate the messages and comments as we further refine our process.

First up, with your help, we have unlocked our next stretch goal, which adds a second copy of the Player's Guide to the Boxed Set tier! Now you can hand out an extra copy to players and make your games run even faster. Keep your eyes peeled further down that stretch goal tracker (see below) for further improvements to the Boxed Set, which is our focus for this campaign.

Along with this, we have released an updated stretch goal tracker. Next up is fan-fave Brad Kerr (check out his page right here), co-host of Between Two Cairns, writing an adventure module to be released to all backers digitally. Here's a little more info on Brad's adventure, Bloodmarm Barrow:

Out in the windy moors, bandits have claimed a lair in an ancient burial mound. They've raided local farms and taken hostages. Arthur, a bloodied and bandaged hog farmer, escapes and petitions the player characters for help. The mound swells with treasure and undiscovered magic. But why do all the bandits have the same face? Bloodmarm Barrow is a mousetrap dungeon for Cairn with themes of dungeon delving, infiltration, and survival.

But wait, there's more! Yochai is releasing a free dungeon for Cairn today! It's called Rise of the Blood Olms, and you can grab an early copy from here:

We again super appreciate all of you along for this hexcrawl, we hope you have a great weekend!

 Edit: the graphic originally posted here mistakenly said that the $130K +1 Player's Guide was a Digital stretch goal. It is indeed a Physical stretch goal to be added to the Boxed Set tier. Thanks for the catch, Corey Gross!

Second stretch goal down, and more on the way!
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 06:05:11 AM

Hello everyone! We slept a bit and woke up to our second stretch goal achieved! We're so excited to have amanda p., fan-fave author of Tannic (you can check it out digitally right here), onboard to write a brand new adventure. It's called Dread Hospitality, and is a mansion adventure that explores the grotesque, solipsistic nature of absurd wealth and power. Here is an uncut slice of it:

The Situation 
Lord Horace Appleblossom has ruled his demesne through petty tyranny and oppression. He sought money, power, and life to excess. A notoriously faithless noble, Horace betrayed his fellow patricians, shirking deals, and defying the terms of ancient aristocratic agreements. As assassination attempts dogged his footsteps, he hired builders to create AGONIUS HALL, a residence, fortress, and laboratory to explore his occult interests. Paranoia suffused the home’s design. Defense mechanisms were added in case a grudge came home to roost. 

Three months ago, Horace hosted a dinner with three great rivals, after which a great storm struck the area, seemingly centered on Agonius Hall. Green lightning arched across the sky. Since that night, no one has emerged. Strange reptilian beasts emerge from the grounds, spreading death and mischief. In taverns, over their cups peasants speak of vast treasures contained in Agonius Hall. 

amanda is hard at work finishing the draft, and then it's off to layout for this one. We're super stoked that you all get this in digital form, and maybe another form if we hit future stretch goals!!!

With that said, our next stretch goal is another big one that we're very happy to put into play. If we hit $100,000 we will add another copy of the Player's Guide to the Boxed Set tier pledges. This means you have an extra copy of the PG to give to players at the table, making your game sessions play out all that much faster. 

Seriously, thank you to everyone who is backing this, you all are champions!

First stretch goal achieved! 1000+ backers! MONSTERS!!!
6 months ago – Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 01:04:50 PM

Hello again, everyone! Thanks to your support, we have just hit our very first stretch goal, which means MORE MONSTERS! Yochai is hard at work fleshing out the bestiary section of the Warden's Guide with fabulous new monsters for you to throw at your players, and our friend the amazing Roque Romero has been illustrating them as fast as he can! Check out these spreads for a sneak peek at the creatures that will be at your disposal in our all-new Warden's Guide. We really appreciate everyone getting behind us like this, you are the real heroes of this campaign and we couldn't have done anything without you. Let's keep pushing and we'll hit the first of the adventure stretch goals, and reveal some more after that! Cheers!