
Cairn 2e Boxed Set

Created by Space Penguin Ink, LLC

Explore a dark and mysterious wood filled with strange folk, hidden treasure, and unspeakable monstrosities in this ttrpg boxed set.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Road Ahead, May 17th Edition
10 months ago – Fri, May 17, 2024 at 09:29:38 AM

Hello everyone, we hope your week has been going well! We're still working hard behind the scenes, and wanted to update you with a few things. It's time for our bi-weekly updates of the progress and behind-the-scenes events so you can be up to date and in the know. Let's get to it!

Kickstarter funds have cleared, and data is being transferred to BackerKit, whom we are using as our pledge management software. Right now we're tweaking shipping prices and weights, SKUs, and all of that glorious stuff. Keep your eyes peeled in the next two weeks for the BK pledge manager to go live. Also please note this reminder that your surveys will be sent to the email address that you backed on Kickstarter with. This is especially important for those of you who use an Apple ID, so please keep your eyes peeled at those inboxes.

And now for the best part, a sneak peak at some pages from the Warden's Guide. These are some work-in-progress pages from what is shaping up to be an indispensable guide to all things Cairn!

The next bit of this update is the crunchiest, as we know you all want to know where this Boxed Set and accompanying books stand. Below is an itemized list with estimated completion percentages assigned to the various chunks of items. Keep following along every other week as these get closer and closer to complete! The team has a really made some great strides in the last two weeks.

  • Players Guide - 99% (small text edits)
  • Wardens Guide - 85% (95% content poured, currently finishing new content and beginning to place art and start deeper editing)
  • Adventure Antho - 60% (2 out of 3 adventures are designed, about to start designing the third and then edits start)
  • Warden Screen - 75% (Coming along nicely)
  • Box - 95% (Done, needs a little technical tweaking and approval)
  • CAS 1 - 99% (done, minus maybe a word edit that might get spotted) 

And here are some sneak peaks at amanda p.'s adventure, Dread Hospitality!

Okay, that does it for this Road Ahead update. We thank you again for your massive support and looking forward to bringing this beast of a box into the world!

The Road Ahead, May 2nd Edition
10 months ago – Thu, May 02, 2024 at 06:01:52 AM

Hello everyone, we hope your week has been going well! We're working hard behind the scenes, and wanted to update you with a few things. Going forth we will be doing bi-weekly updates of the progress and behind-the-scenes events so you can be up to date and in the know. Look for these updates every other week before the weekend.

Right now we are waiting on the Kickstarter funds to be charged and sent our way. Your payment method on file will have been charged by Kickstarter, and if that payment method needs to be updated, Kickstarter will remind you every 48 hours until that is taken care of. Be on the lookout in the inbox of the email address that you log into Kickstarter with in case you need to update your payment method. This is especially important for those of you who use an Apple ID, so please keep your eyes peeled.

The next other important thing to look out for (aside from status updates) will happen in the coming weeks once our BackerKit pledge manager has been approved. At that time you will receive an email link to your survey where you can confirm your address, order any offered add-ons, and eventually be notified of digital files. Again, it is very important that if you use an Apple ID to back on Kickstarter that you also use that same Apple ID to sign up to BackerKit, if you haven't already. The pledge manager information will be sent to the email you backed the Kickstarter with, so please be on the lookout.

The last bit of this update is the crunchiest, as we know you all want to know where this Boxed Set and accompanying books stand. Below is an itemized list with estimated completion percentages assigned to the various chunks of items. Follow along every other week as these get closer and closer to complete!

  • Player's Guide - 99% (small text edits)
  • Warden's Guide - 75% (90% content poured, still needs edits, art specs, review passes)
  • Adventure Anthology - 0% (started a template, and are due the first manuscript from our stretch goal writers in the next few days)
  • Warden Screen - 20% (file is built, editor working on content for the Warden Side soon)
  • Box - 90% (file is built, waiting for some new art from our artist)
  • CAS 1 - 99% (done, minus maybe a word edit that might get spotted)

Okay, that does it for this Road Ahead update. We thank you again for your massive support and looking forward to bringing this beast of a box into the world!

Spanish translation unlocked! Welcome to the end of the campaign!
10 months ago – Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 05:57:10 AM

Hello everyone, and thank you all for your continued epic support! With your help we have achieved the goal of having the Player's and Warden's Guides translated into Spanish, to be released digitally for all backers. We are working behind the scenes to get more details, and will share those in the future.

We're down to the last hour of the campaign, and we want to share our effusive thanks for everyone's support throughout it. We will be updating everyone in the coming weeks with the road ahead and work in progress information.


Kettlewright achieved! The end of the campaign is near...
11 months ago – Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 02:18:35 PM

Thank you so much, everyone, for helping us achieve our $200k stretch goal, Kettlewright! This web-based character keeper and inventory manager for Cairn will be available in the future, free for use to everyone, whether you play Cairn regularly now or plan to in the future!

Our next several stretch goals involve translations of the core material (Player's Guide and Warden's Guide) into other languages, to be released digitally for all backers. We'll have more information on this as we get closer to those goals!

We've got just a day and a few hours left to go until the end of the campaign, after which we will be taking a small break while we prepare the BackerKit pledge manager. We will be posting a timeline for the road ahead shortly after the campaign ends, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

We once again thank you all very much for helping us achieve these goals. You all rock!

One week left and stretch goals in sight! Canadian shipping update!
11 months ago – Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 05:52:16 AM

Hello everyone, we hope your week is going well! We're in our last week and have the last physical stretch goal in sight. We're very close to hitting $175K, and with it we will be printing a softcover, perfect bound compilation of the previously stretched-for digital adventures for the Boxed Set tiers. Thank you for helping us achieve this!

We also have some good news for Canadian backers. We have managed to get shipping for Canada down a bit. Our current estimate is $17 USD for shipping for the Basic Tier and $20-23 USD for shipping for the Boxed Set. Please keep in mind that these are estimates, and subject to change. These will all be listed as Books/Printed Material, to keep any customs questions to a minimum. We thank you for your patience as we sort out all of the shipping stuff behind the scenes.

Also, we thought you would all like to see some images of the white box sample of the Boxed Set, and learn a little bit about the behind the scenes. Scroll down for images of all of the components!

This is the closed box with all the goodies inside.

Here's the Box with books inside, showcasing the length of the ribbon. The ribbon itself is secured very tightly to the Box bottom, and we have field tested it for hours to make sure it will remain as secure as possible for repeated use.

Perfect bound Player's Guide.

Perfect bound Warden's Guide.

Perfect bound stretch goals adventures (we're so close to this one).

Five panel Warden's Screen

Saddle stitched Adventure Module (Trouble in Twin Lakes)

Character Sheet Pad.

We're super excited to bring the Cairn 2e Boxed Set into the world, and we're very proud to be building it for many sessions of table play, and it will also look great on your shelves.

Thanks as always for your continued support!