
Cairn 2e Boxed Set

Created by Space Penguin Ink, LLC

Explore a dark and mysterious wood filled with strange folk, hidden treasure, and unspeakable monstrosities in this ttrpg boxed set.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Road Ahead, October 21st edition
5 months ago – Mon, Oct 21, 2024 at 11:56:14 AM

Hello everyone, we hope your week is going well! We're back in office after evacuating for Hurricane Milton, so thank you in advance for your patience with our updating. Here is some news for you!

First up, all of you should be receiving fresh pdfs of all the files. They have been painstakingly updated by Yochai and Adam, and are now free of most bugs! As always, you will find these in your BackerKit accounts. If you have any issues finding them, please email us at [email protected]

Next is a quick update regarding printing. We're working with our manufacturing partners right now to get the final files all ready to go to press this week. There were some issues with the gutters after some test prints, so Adam and Yochai went in and tweaked everything to make the books look better for you when they get into your hands. We've also obtained a large storage space to hold all of the boxed sets and extra books when they've arrived. It's amazing what having extra room will do for the team here at Space Penguin Ink!

Okay, look for an update in the future once we've received word that everything is printing. We'll also post up pics of the process if we receive any. 

And now a word from Yochai:

Hello friendly backers! Just popping in to say that Kettlewright, the official Cairn 2e app has been released as beta and is open to the public (no backer code required)! You can check it out here. I hope you like it as much as I do!

The Road Ahead, September 16th Edition
6 months ago – Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 07:06:06 AM

Hello everyone! We hope your Monday is going well! We have a few things to cover, so here we go!

First, you should all be receiving the new, FINAL FINAL PDFs today. You can find those in your BackerKit pledge manager. We have updated all of the files for the final time, and included multiple versions of the Character Sheet for your enjoyment! As we have done in the past, you will receive a blanketed version of the files, i.e., you might receive the same file twice. This is as intended, so we can make sure all backers have access to the files. We have also removed the previous iterations of the files, so the one in you BK PM is the one that is current and FINAL. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

As noted previously, if you are having trouble finding your digital downloads. please take a look at this handy help link from BackerKit: 

Also of note, we have begun the printing process. Currently we are waiting final prepress documents from our printers, and going back and forth and making adjustments as needed. We hope to be getting to the actual printing press very soon! This is a huge milestone, and we are very excited to see final samples of the Boxed Set and books in the coming weeks. 

One final note from Yochai, regarding Kettlewright. If you signed up for the beta you should receive an update from that section of the team in the coming days. Those updates are being sent in batches. 

Okay, that's about it for this update. We are full steam ahead and we as always appreciate your support!

Final PDFs sent to Backers! App beta form! Pre-orders locked!
6 months ago – Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 09:04:29 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

The Road Ahead August 26th Edition. Locking Orders, Closing Pre-Order Store
6 months ago – Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 10:10:00 AM

Hello everyone, we hope your week is going well. We are on track to get this printed very soon, and we want to inform you of the next steps.

1. The Pre-Order Store will be closing this Friday, August 30th. This means if you are interested in late backing your window is closing. This will be your last chance to get this beautiful boxed set and books at backer pricing.

2. Next Monday, September 2nd, we will be sending out a Lock Orders notice. This means you will have 48 hours to adjust your addresses before we lock those in.

3. Later in September/October we will be Charging Cards. You will receive an update and a note when your card is charged.

We're super excited to take these next steps, and we're super thankful to have you all along for this ride. 


The Road Ahead, August 12th Edition
7 months ago – Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 05:30:53 AM

Hello everyone, we hope your week is going well. We have received our work in progress sample copy from the printer and are making tweaks to the designs of all components very soon.

We will also be sending out a new version of the digital files to everyone later today. Please note, as the last time, that there is a chance you will receive multiple files named the same thing. These are in fact the same files. We are blanketing backers to make sure everyone gets their files. Log in to your BackerKit account to access your digital rewards.

Below are some pictures of the boxed set proof. Keep in mind that not all details are final, but we are getting close!