
Cairn 2e Boxed Set

Created by Space Penguin Ink, LLC

Explore a dark and mysterious wood filled with strange folk, hidden treasure, and unspeakable monstrosities in this ttrpg boxed set.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Road Ahead, July 23rd Edition: PDFs are out!
8 months ago – Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 05:00:18 AM


Hello backers!

I'm very pleased to announce that all of the Cairn 2e PDFs are now complete, including the writing, layout, art, and editing! Please check your inboxes for BackerKit emails with the downloadable zip file. Note that some of you may receive multiple downloads, rest assured that they are the same zip file. We are distributing the files on a per item basis so as to make sure that everyone who backed receives their files, so some are doubled up.

But what if I find a typo?

I've created this very special form for gathering typos and other errors. Please feel free to let us know if you find any, and do not (please, please!) DM me out of the blue about them! 

Anything else?

Yes. Please share screenshots, reviews, thoughts, etc. with the wider world. I'm really proud of what our team has accomplished here and I can't wait to hear what folks think after all this time. Finally, I wanted to mention that Kettlewright (the official Cairn app) is nearly complete, we're just fine-tuning the process to make it open to backers in beta. More on that very soon!

- Yochai 

Also, we wanted to update you all with information regarding printing. We have submitted files for a test print that will hopefully arrive in time to be seen at GenCon. If we have them in hand we'll bring them to the show and folks can take a sneak peek early at them.

We will be locking orders and charging cards in the coming weeks, so please, if you haven't, take a second to make sure your payment information and address for shipping is correct in BackerKit. This will help the process go as smoothly as possible.

Thank you as always for your continued support, we'll see some of you at GenCon!

-Space Penguin Ink

The Road Ahead, July 5th Edition
8 months ago – Fri, Jul 05, 2024 at 01:40:20 PM

Hello everyone! We hope your week is going well. We're just dropping a quick update that we are ordering print proofs in the next week so we can begin the process of checking all of the files for any errors and alignment issues.

We're waiting on a few more pieces of art to arrive and then we'll order the print proofs.

We'll also be updating you soon as to when pdfs are going out.

Stay cool and hydrated out there!

The Road Ahead, June 14th Edition
9 months ago – Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 01:43:52 PM

Hello everyone, we hope your week has been going well! It's time for our bi-weekly (fortnightly, for those who prefer that term) update of the progress and behind-the-scenes events so you can be up to date and in the know. Here we go!

We're quite happy to announce that all writing has been completed, and we are now waiting on a few pieces of art before we continue in that direction. Below is the crunchy part about where each item is at!  

  • Warden's Guide (writing and layout done, waiting on final pieces of art). Yochai has a local print he is going through now.
  • Player's Guide (writing/layout done)
  • CAS-1 (writing/layout done, some minor edits need to be imported)
  • Anthology (writing/layout done, some edits need to be imported)
  • Warden's Screen (writing done, just waiting on final screen layout)

Here are some spreads of the Warden's Guide. 

And here are two spreads from Brad Kerr's stretch goal adventure, Bloodmarm Barrow.

Super thank you to everyone who has filled out their survey thus far. We're sitting at 86%, which is great. This is a reminder for those folks having trouble with BackerKit to please check all of the information at this link (BackerKit backer support link) and if you are still having concerns after to please email us at [email protected]

That does it for this Road Ahead update. We thank you again for your massive support, and we are looking forward to bringing this beautiful box ever closer to reality!

Surveys sent, pre-order store open!
9 months ago – Wed, Jun 05, 2024 at 09:48:29 AM

Hello everyone! Just a quick mid-week update that all backer surveys are currently rolling out and should be in your inbox today. If you have any questions regarding BackerKIt, please click this link (BackerKit backer help). If, after exhausting all possibilities there, you are still having trouble, please email us at [email protected] and we will help get you sorted out.

Also, the pre-order store is now open for those folks who missed the campaign. You can access that through this link (Cairn 2e Boxed Set pre-order store). The process for setup is the same as BackerKit, so hit that help link above for in depth information.

We will be closing surveys in August/September, so you have plenty of time to update cards and addresses. You will receive a 48 hour notice before we Lock Orders, and another 48 hour notice before we Charge Cards.

We thank you, as always, for helping us make this project a reality, and we'll see you next week with another update!

The Road Ahead, May 31st Edition
9 months ago – Fri, May 31, 2024 at 10:30:50 AM

Hello everyone, we hope your week has been going well! It's time for our bi-weekly updates of the progress and behind-the-scenes events so you can be up to date and in the know. Let's get to it!

Monday will be a milestone for us, as we will be sending out our Smoke Test to a small section of backers, to make sure everything will run smoothly on the BackerKit Pledge Manager end of things. Roughly 5% of you will receive an email from BackerKit PM asking you to complete your backer survey. 

If you haven't used BackerKit before, don't worry, it's a simple setup. If you run into trouble, please check all of the super helpful information found at this link (BackerKit backer help). If you are still running into trouble, please email [email protected] with your backer name and email address, and we will help you get sorted.

Very important: your surveys will be sent to the email address that you backed the Kickstarter with, so if you used an Apple ID you will need to check that email. 

In the survey you will be able to purchase add-ons of extra Boxed Sets, Players Guides, Wardens Guides, and Trouble In Twin Lakes. You will also pay for shipping at this time, so have your address handy. We will not be locking orders or addresses until closer to time to print, so you will be able to login up until we lock those orders and addresses if you need to change them for any reason.

After the Smoke Test is out and completed, and we have identified and addressed any concerns, the remainder of the surveys will go out to the rest of backers.

Very important (so important that we're reiterating it): after exhausting the list of backer-related questions at this link (BackerKit backer help), if you have any trouble with managing your pledge, please email [email protected] with your backer name and email address, and we will help you get sorted. This is the best way to ensure smooth service.

The next bit of this update is usually the crunchiest, as we know you all want to know where this Boxed Set and accompanying books stand. However, one of our team members had a death in the family and out of respect we are going to hold off on percentage of completion notes until our next update. We appreciate your patience in this regard.

Okay, that does it for this Road Ahead update. We thank you again for your massive support, and we are looking forward to bringing this beautiful box into the world!